Surgical Instruments
The surgical medical devices markets is rapidly growing driven by advancements in technology, an increasing number of procedures, and surgeon-led innovations.
This market encompasses a wide range of products, including minimally invasive surgical instruments, robotic-assisted devices, and traditional surgical tools. Innovative products are designed to reduce recovery times and lower risk of complications. Improving patient outcomes is central to Perdigó’s purpose.
Developing novel surgical instruments requires using of the most advanced technologies, including advanced materials, precision engineering, and innovative design and manufacturing processes. Increasingly, new products must also integrate with digital technologies, such as robotics, vision systems, and AI, to increase the capability and efficiency of surgical procedures.

How Perdigó can help?
Perdigó have a multidisciplinary approach to engineering the next generation of surgical instruments:
- First, usability engineering work alongside surgeons and their teams, often directly involved in core inventions, is essential to ensure that new devices cover the unmet clinical needs that healthcare professionals encounter on a daily basis in the operation room (OR).
- Second, the application of robust and precise engineering in the design process incorporating the latest technologies where they truly make a difference.
- And last but not least, Perdigó’s project, risk and quality management ensure new inventions are ready for clinical testing, regulatory submission, and market launch as quick as possible.
Find out what clients say about Perdigó
“Perdigó has performed thorough Design Verification Testing on our devices. Thanks to their work, we are confident in the success of the upcoming regulatory submission of our medical device.”
Maria Climent QA & RA manager Premium Fertility