Drug Delivery

Perdigó has extensive experience in the development of drug delivery devices for different routes of administration, including inhalation (soft mist and dry powder), parenteral, and ophthalmic. These pharmaceutical products are at the heart of our mission, helping patients manage debilitating conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), growth hormone deficiency, or dry eyes.

The specific challenges of this market include engineering excellent delivered dose uniformity (DDU)—and aerodynamic particle size distribution (APSD) consistency, in the case of inhalers—scaling to high volume production, usability requirements to help maintain adherence, meeting sustainability goals, and adapting to novel formulations, including biologics. Time to clinic (from early pharmacokinetics studies to the pivotal clinical trial) and time to market are also critical.

Complex generics, which require expert navigation of their IP landscape, play an increasing role in modern healthcare. On the other hand, connected drug delivery products have had little success to date despite their great potential, in part due to their higher cost.

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How Perdigó can help?

Perdigó raises to these challenges with best-in-class engineering expertise. The design, mechanical, and microfluidics engineering are recognised by clients and partners across the industry. Perdigó accelerates drug delivery device development through extensive in-house capabilities while adhering to the rigour expected by pharmaceutical companies regarding project, quality, and risk management.

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